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Once again, the Science Festival offers you a wide range of events investigating scientific themes through an artistic eye: musicals, concerts, theatre, circus and performance-conferences.
CircusScience. Non-linear time. Arti circensi contemporanee. A Modern Circus Show
For everybody
The frailty of the finite human condition, appearing in non-infinite time and space, are at the base of a wider reflection on the non-linearity of human time through a modern circus show, and of a reflection on non-linearity of cosmological time in a linked conference.
The tumbler/traveller rebels to the flowing of time that traps and condemns him to a life of continuous, one-time and elusive emotions. Being in symbiosis with the music, the choreography and the text, he finds the way to move into a new mental, physical and spiritual dimension. He bends conventions and rules and he floats in a non-linear Time, thus telling us that everybody could be able to do the same, if only he/she wished to. And a question rises: if he were right?
(Sarabanda Association in cooperation with the University of Genoa – Physics Department)
Faust in Hiroshima
From 12 years of age.
What brings men devoted to science and research to spend the best years of their life in inventing and building up a weapon of mass destruction?
Faust in Hiroshima is an unusual music show that proposes a reflection on the controversial role played by scientists, and faces the eternal problem of ethical choices through the story of the invention of the atomic bomb viewed by Goethe’s Faust. This archetype is exemplified by the life of physician Joseph Rotblat, a Polish Jude, winner of the Peace Nobel Prize in 1995: at the beginnings, he participated in the project for the first American nuclear bomb but later on he abandoned it for ethical reasons…
Created by Riccardo Antonini. Written by Gianni Guardigli and Imogen Kusch. Directed by Imogen Kusch. With Hossein Taheri, Fabrizio Parenti, Steffan Boje, Giorgia Basile, Silvia Mazzotta, Francesca Olivi, Alessandra Roca, Aureliano Amedei. Original music by Ferrari / Mieli and live performed by Andrea Mieli, Sergio Ferrari, Frisko Landini and Chiarastella (singer).
The Flame of Reason. Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, 17th February 1600
From the age of 14
Giordano Bruno's martyrdom, which inaugurated the Jubilee in the year 1600 puts on stage one of the most violent chapters of the battle between science and faith. The trial which led to his execution at the stake contained a tangle of different elements, some of them strictly theological, others concerning Church policies and politics in general. The trial to Giordano Bruno represented for the Church a favourable occasion to strongly reconfirm the bedrocks of Catholic faith and to convey an example of determination.Retracing the trial's phases and the arguments exposed by Giordano Bruno, the writer Corrado Augias will try to depict the vicelike grip which held the independence of a lucid and almost visionary mind, whose consistency brought him to death.
Written and performed by Corrado Augias. Directed by Ruggero Cara. Music by Valentino Corvino and C-Project. Original production by PromoMusic and Science Festival.
LIFE - A Journey Through Time. Multimedia Symphonic Concert
For everybody
Exclusively produced for the Science Festival, the European première of an exceptional multimedia work where arts, science, photography and music meet together. LIFE: A Journey Through Time is the peak of the journey undertaken in 2000 by Frans Lanting – considered as one of the most important nature photographers of our times - in order to describe life evolution on the Earth. The final result is a lyric interpretation of life on our planet, from the origin to present days.
Presented by the Association of the Science Festival and Turin's Philharmonic Orchestra. Music by Philip Glass. Orchestrations by Michael Riesman.Visual Design by Alexander V. Nichols. Turin's Philharmonic Orchestra is conducted by Carlo Boccadoro. Produced by: Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music (Music Director: Marin Alsop)
Space is the place
For everybody.
A quartet composed by outstanding international musicians is going to play a concert dedicated to the deep space and expressly produced for the Science Festival. An original show where score and improvisation are oriented towards the Moon, the Solar System, space journeys and aliens in a continuous passage from myths to scientific reality; the show easily moves from samples to jazz, from groove to sound suggestions.
Enrico Rava: trumpet and tenor horn. Furio di Castri: double-bass and live electronics. Jon Balke: piano, keyboards, live electronics and samples. Patrice Heral: drums, percussions and samples.
In the end, in coherence with its mission -namely dissemination- the Science Festival is going to offer a selection of titles for students of every level, where science stages itself in the name of fun and curiosity. You will enjoy Traces – The Show of Physics,a show created by three scientists to let you know the fascinating world of research; the première of Failure Bars, an ironic text on the destiny of researchers, sees the on stage debut of Davide Pozzi, an academic researcher and winner of the last CO_scienze competition, a new scientific playwriting competition created by the Naples Le Nuvole Theatre ; Class III B is Back presented by the "Teatro della Tosse", an ironic easy-going mise-en-scène about the psychological mechanisms generated in school. There will also be some shows for children, such as The Fantastic Adventure of the Ghostly Band, that will make them playfully discover colour-vision phenomena, and Dr Molecula, extremely funny show on everyday science produced by the Bloomfield Science Museum of Jerusalem and awarded at the last Wonders European Science Festival.
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The Multimedia Symphonic Concert
LIFE - A Journey Through Time |