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Waste Not, Want Not
An Itinerary through Energy

There are several sources of energy and just as many ways of using them, but the true challenge is to find the right combination. People participating in the workshop will be divided into two teams that will follow a virtual path in order to put together energetic sources and different ways of saving energy is not to waste it, always keeping in mind that the best way for saving energy is not to waste it.
There will be two paths – one for each team – where you will have to activate different devices through different sources of energy. From time to time you can choose what source of energy you want to use: since every source can be used only once, it is important to make your choice wisely. The main purpose of this activity is to increase your knowledge of different sources of energy and their most appropriate use in relation to the device available to you. Obviously, energy mustn’t be wasted even during its transportation.

from 12 years old

Palazzo del Principe - Sala degli Argenti

Scheduled 25.10 09:00-18:00 | 26.10 09:00-18:00 | 27.10 10:00-19:00 | 28.10 10:00-19:00 | 29.10 09:00-18:00 | 30.10 09:00-18:00 | 31.10 09:00-18:00 | 01.11 10:00-19:00 | 02.11 09:00-18:00 | 03.11 10:00-19:00 | 04.11 10:00-19:00 | 05.11 09:00-18:00 | 06.11 09:00-18:00

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