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Complete listing of Workshops
Events 1-8 of 8 (Download the complete list)
(Don't) Play with Fire! Comando Provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco Genova from 9 years old
Let's Play with Robots Magazzini del Cotone, modulo 8, piano terra for everybody
MathFitness: Mathematics as Brain Gym Palazzo Ducale, Spazio Didattico from 6 years old
Taste through Time Bicu: fabbrica della birra & cucina from 9 years old
The Forensic Department. How an Inspection is Carried Out Magazzini del Cotone, modulo 7, piano terra from 15 years old
The Witches' Kitchen Bicu: fabbrica della birra & cucina for everybody
The Workshops of MathFitness – Ethnomathematics Palazzo Ducale, Loggia degli Abati from 6 years old
Waste Not, Want Not Palazzo del Principe - Sala degli Argenti from 12 years old
Complete listing of Workshops
Click on titles for more details.