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What will Tomorrow's Climate be Like? (in French)
Sylvie Joussaume. Introduces: Marco Cattaneo
Ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, summer heat is suffocating people: the front pages of newspapers regularly refer to global warming. The main suspects for these phenomena are greenhouse gases produced by anthropogenic activities. In all truth, what are we really sure of? What are our doubts? Is man really capable of modifying the course of climatic evolution? There have already been climatic changes in the past: our ancestors lived through them, there has even been a small scale ice age in the distant past. Prehistoric ice ages have been even more important, following the slow variations of the earth’s movements around the sun. As a result of industrial development and demographic expansion, only recently has man become a prime mover on the scene of climatic changes. There are more and more elements pointing a finger at global warming and that its effects will intensify throughout the 21st century.
from 15 years old
Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Minor Consiglio
Scheduled 02.11 18:00-20:00
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