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Rhythm of Life The Biological Clocks that Control the Existence of Every Living Being
Rodolfo Costa, Russell Foster
The existence in all living beings of a real biological clock has been common knowledge for decades, but only the progress of recent years has shed light on the complex genetic interactions which literally govern the rhythms of life (such as sleep, waking and birds migration).
But the list of vital functions following time’s rhythms is much longer. As a matter of fact, a new branch of biology is today specifically devoted to the study of these functions and goes by the name of chronobiology.
The perfect synchronisation of all chemical, nervous and psychological activities which occur every day in our bodies is an amazing discovery; no less surprising and fascinating is the description of the infinite plant and animal functions which are
related to the time cycle.
Geneticist Rodolfo Costa and neuroscientist Russell Foster will talk about these issues, with special reference to Foster’s latest book “Il ritmo della vita” (Rhythms of Life), Longanesi, 2007.
from 15 years old
Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Minor Consiglio
Scheduled 26.10 17:00-19:00
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