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>the festival in Liguria
Mathematical Experiments: Curiosity Multipliers
In maths, as well as or even more than in other sciences, it is curiosity that carries us to new horizons. And if this end point is understood or at least perceived, it is always a source of new curiosity. A way of fostering curiosity is to use known elements in order to find new and more complex aspects that sometimes turn out to be unexpected.
The exhibition is divided up into 4 sections ( mathematics and archaeology, chart and graph games, polyhedrons made out of folded paper, mathematical surfaces) and it utilises 3 new interactive types of software ( two of which were developed for this event and one within the confines of the Science Degree Project). Regarding a problem of antique floor reconstruction, the interface between mathematics and archaeology is presented with a video and an animated representation “in situ” of the reconstruction starting from a simple wedge. The same composition technique and ground projection is shown starting from an initial motive and from a composite rule both chosen by the visitor in order that he may build up his own virtual floor. The chart and graph games include a search option in which sections of a table have to be filled in with progressive numbers following a predefined rule- the description and analysis of the game by means of three dimensional graph is made simpler by the software provided and to remind you of the complicated theme at play here, some experiments are put forward with differently sized tables. By means of reconstruction with paper only (without the use of glue), polyhedrons are brought into play also giving the visitor the chance of building one himself. An example of a Zumoide is also included in the exhibition-this is an independent mathematical object composed of a collapsible/re-buildable structure which has the tendency to expand in the same way as a space multiplier. Finally drawing with mathematics is made possible by the use of software which allows the manipulation of mathematical formulae able to generate surfaces.
from 9 years old
Biblioteca Berio - Sala Mostre
Scheduled 25.10 09:00-18:00 | 26.10 09:00-18:00 | 27.10 10:00-19:00 | 28.10 10:00-19:00 | 29.10 09:00-18:00 | 30.10 09:00-18:00 | 31.10 09:00-18:00 | 01.11 10:00-19:00 | 02.11 09:00-18:00 | 03.11 10:00-19:00 | 04.11 10:00-19:00 | 05.11 09:00-18:00 | 06.11 09:00-18:00
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